Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th Meeting Minutes

A recap of tonight's meeting:

VSA Bake Sale for Adopt-a-Family
-Monday, Oct 20 from 11am-2pm on Greene St. in front of Russell House
-Please drop off your baked goods to the table or contact an officer to arrange a drop off/pick up time. Remember, we are raising money for our Adopt-a-Family family, so please contribute if you can.

VSA Social
-Tuesday, Oct 21 from 8-10pm
-We will either go rollerskating, to a haunted house, or have a movie night. The final plan will be decided by the end of this week.

Fund Raiser Halloween Party
-Friday, Oct 31 at 8pm at Long's House (please email uscvsa@gmail for directions)
-This is a COSTUME party. Please dress up! Also, we will be collecting donations for the Bloomingdale Library Rape Victim throughout the night. The goal is to reach $100 in donations. If this goal is met, our president will match the $100 in donations.

Stocking Stuffers for Salvation Army
-Stockings will be brought to the Nov. 5 meeting
-Please bring stocking stuffers (small toys, games, books, etc.) to the Nov. 5th meeting. We will stuff the stockings together as a group, then turn them into the Student Government office to be given to the Salvation Army.

November VSA Meeting
-Wednesday, Nov 5 at 8pm; Location will be announced upon confirmation of space reservation

Charity Poker Tournament
-Saturday, Nov 8 in the Russell House Ballroom; the time is TBD
-We still need volunteers to be dealers. Please let us know if you are willing to volunteer. You will be trained so no knowledge of the game is required... we'll teach you!

UGA's Night in Saigon 5
-Saturday, Nov 15 at 6pm at the Oconee County Civic Center in Watkinsville, GA
-We need a final count of who is going by the Nov 5th meeting. Please be at the meeting or let an officer know if you are going. We also need people to volunteer to drive there. Carpooling assignments will be made at the Nov 5th meeting as well.

Relay for Life
-Friday, April 3
-here is the URL to VSA's team page for Relay for Life. Please join the team and help raise money or simply donate to the cause. URL: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/vsagamecocks

Any questions? Email us at uscvsa@gmail.com

Join our Facebook group for event reminders and news: S. Carolina VSA

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